Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ten-Year Mark

I started this blog back in 2009, so it's officially been around for 10 years. The original purpose of this blog was to document things of interest to me outside of school and work, and it initially focused on my hiking adventures. Along the way, I documented some of my side projects, like the Surefire Kroma Mod and the Electric Skateboard Build.

Surfing is still my preferred outdoor activity and I haven't been on a hike in months. At this point, I've done pretty much every hiking trail I wanted to do, and with how crowded even some of the lesser known trails have gotten, hiking isn't all that appealing anymore. Also, with the increased traffic on trails comes the increased likelihood of someone getting hurt, and the government has decided to close a handful of trails to reduce the prevalence of injuries on the more treacherous trails.

I have to say that I never expected to get into surfing as much as I am now, and I never would have expected to be a part of the kind of surfing community that we have at our spot. Two of our friends who met at the spot are already married, and they held their ceremony in the water with all the other regulars at the spot. The funny thing was that we ended up paddling out to catch some waves as part of the ceremony, and the conditions were pretty junk. Just picture 20 of the regulars all paddling out at the same time on a day where pretty much no one else was out. Anyone who saw us that day would have been confused seeing everyone making the paddle out into some of the flattest waves of the year.

I expect to continue focusing on surfing and may tinker with side projects here and there. Looking back, my past projects arose because I had some kind of use for what I created - the Surefire Kroma Mod was intended to help in night hiking, and the Electric Skateboard was to make it fun and convenient when I went to class in college. However, now I don't hike as much, or really at all, and I'm done with school, so I don't have a use for either of those projects. The Electric Skateboard hardly comes out anymore unless I make a conscious effort to use it because I mostly drive all over the place now and keep a regular longboard in my car for filling the gap.

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